Wykład prof. Timothy Van Renterghem

Szanowni Państwo
W imieniu Katedry Akustyki UAM oraz Sekcji Akustyki Środowiska Komitetu Akustyki PAN pragnę zaprosić Państwa do wysłuchania wykładu prof. Van Renterghem (WAVES Research Group, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University)
Temat wykładu: „Wind turbine sound : propagation, infrasound and perception”
Wykład odbędzie się w dniu 18 maja o godz. 11.30 (w formie zdalnej – link poniżej).

Nagranie wykladu:

Seminarium prowadzi: prof. UAM dr hab. Andrzej Wicher.

Streszczenie wykładu:
Wind turbine sound : propagation, infrasound and perception
Prof. Dr. ir. Timothy Van Renterghem

WAVES Research Group, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University

Wind turbines cannot be considered as “yet another environmental noise source”, and we cannot simply rely on existing knowledge built up with other noise sources. Such a source at higher altitude changes drastically the way sound propagates through the atmosphere; the impact on the ground effect, refraction and turbulent scattering will be discussed. Placing wind turbines at a ridge further complicates propagation predictions. Regarding its emission, wind turbines are able to generate tonal infrasound, increasingly becoming an argument action groups use against new wind farm projects. Correctly measuring such low frequencies is essential in this respect, but challenging due to its co-occurrence with wind-induced microphone noise. A wind-shielding dome was designed and was shown to strongly increase the signal-to-noise ratio. In a next step, a measurement-based model was built revealing that wind speed and inflow turbulence are the main drivers for the infrasound generation. What finally matters is how people perceive wind turbine sound. Wind turbine sound leads to a much stronger annoyance reaction at the same physical sound exposure levels. A perception experiment performed at the WAVES research group focusing on recognition and detection provides some new insights.