wykład prof. Magdaleny Wojtczak

Szanowni Państwo,
W imieniu Katedry Akustyki UAM oraz Sekcji Akustyki Środowiska Komitetu Akustyki PAN pragniemy zaprosić Państwa do wysłuchania wykładu prof. Magdaleny Wojtczak z Auditory Perception and Cognition Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, USA. 
Temat wykładu: „Search for diagnostic tools and perceptual consequences of cochlear synaptopathy in living humans”
Wykład odbędzie się w dniu 20 kwietnia o godz. 15.00 ( w formie zdalnej – link poniżej )
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Dr. Magdalena Wojtczak received her Ph.D. degree in Physics with specialty in Acoustics in 1996. She went on to work as a postdoc with Dr. Neal Viemeister in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota. After completing the postdoc, she transitioned to Research Associate position and, in 2008 joined the Auditory Perception and Cognition Lab headed by Dr. Andrew Oxenham. She currently holds a position of a Research Associate Professor in the lab and is currently the Principal Investigator on two grants funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The topics of the grants are: 1) Perceptual and functional role of medial olivocochlear efferents in humans, and 2) Physiological measures of and perceptual consequences of cochlear synaptopathy in humans. Dr. Wojtczak served as an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America in 2007-2010. She was nominated a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America in 2011. She was the Chair of the Technical Committee on Physiological and Psychological Acoustics from 2014-2017. Currently, Dr. Wojtczak serves as a standing member of the NIH Auditory System Study Section contributing her expertise to grant reviews and grant funding recommendations.

Search for diagnostic tools and perceptual consequences of cochlear synaptopathy in living humans
Magdalena Wojtczak, University of Minnesota
Understanding speech in noisy environments becomes more challenging with increasing age, even in the absence of clinical hearing loss. Cochlear synaptopathy, demonstrated in various animal species and in human temporal bones, could be a major contributor to these deficits. This hypothesis is based on evidence from animal studies showing that loss of synaptic connections between inner hair cells and afferent auditory-nerve fibers is associated with degraded temporal processing of suprathreshold sounds without loss of hearing sensitivity. In this talk, I will present our work in which we used a battery of psychophysical and noninvasive physiological measures in search for diagnostic tests and perceptual effects that could be attributed to cochlear synaptopathy in living humans