Szanowni Państwo,
Serdecznie zapraszam na seminarium Katedry Akustyki które odbędzie się 4 czerwca 2024r. o godz. 11.30 w Audytorium im. Prof. Szczepana Szczeniowskiego w formie hybrydowej.
Referat wygłosi Pan mgr Bassam Jameel z Katedry Akustyki, Wydziału Fizyki UAM.
Tytuł referatu:
Ultrasound study of magnetic Pickering emulsions
Emulsions are inherently unstable systems that require emulsifiers to ensure their stability over time, and various types of emulsifiers exist, including surfactants and solid particles. Pickering emulsions refer to emulsion droplets stabilized by solid particles that accumulate at the droplet interface. Stabilizing emulsions with particles having magnetic properties leads to the transfer of these properties to Pickering droplets, making them responsive to external stimuli. However, Pickering emulsion stability depends on several factors, including particle wettability, concentration, size, and shape. Therefore, controlling the formation process is necessary to ensure droplet stability. In the last decades, efforts have been made to improve the formation process to achieve better stability, with reduced possibilities of aggregation, creaming, or sedimentation. Several methods for monitoring and controlling the formation process of Pickering droplets involve microscopy imaging and analytical techniques, with ultrasound spectroscopy emerging as a promising tool for investigating the internal structures of suspensions and emulsions.
This presentation will explore magnetic Pickering emulsions, focusing on their characterization and potential applications. Ultrasound waves are a valuable tool for characterizing oil-based suspensions and Pickering emulsions, particularly in high-viscosity media. By analyzing these emulsions with ultrasound, we can gain valuable insights into their internal structures, such as particle size and aggregation rate. Furthermore, the presentation will delve into the applications of ultrasound heating, magnetic heating, and magnetic separation in magnetic Pickering emulsions.
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Andrzej Wicher
Assoc. Prof. Andrzej Wicher, PhD
Head of the Department of Acoustics
Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan