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W imieniu Katedry Akustyki UAM oraz Sekcji Akustyki Środowiska Komitetu Akustyki PAN pragnę zaprosić Państwa do wysłuchania wykładu prof. B.C.J. Moore’a nt. „Benefits and limitations of hearing aids”, który odbędzie się w dniu 15 grudnia o godz. 11.30 (w formie zdalnej).
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Prof. UAM dr hab. Roman Gołębiewski
Dziekan Wydziału Fizyki, Kierownik Katedry Akustyki
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Hearing loss affects more than 10% of the adult population in most countries, and is especially prevalent among the elderly. The most common form of hearing loss arises from dysfunction of the cochlea in the inner ear. In most cases, the only form of treatment is via hearing aids or (for profound losses) cochlear implants. In this talk I will review some of the perceptual consequences of hearing loss, which involve much more than just loss of sensitivity to weak sounds. I will then describe the signal processing that is performed in hearing aids and will consider the extent to which hearing aids “compensate” for hearing loss. Possible avenues for the future will be discussed.
Biography for Brian C.J. Moore
Brian Moore is Emeritus Professor of Auditory Perception in the University of Cambridge. His research interests are: the perception of sound; development of new diagnostic tests of hearing; design of signal processing hearing aids for sensorineural hearing loss; methods for fitting hearing aids to the individual. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Acoustical Society of America, The Audio Engineering Society, The British Society of Audiology, and the Association for Psychological Science, and an Honorary Fellow of the Belgian Society of Audiology and the British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists. He is President of the Association of Independent Hearing Healthcare Professionals (UK). He has written or edited 20 books and over 730 scientific papers and book chapters. He has been awarded the Littler Prize and the Littler Lecture of the British Society of Audiology, the Silver and Gold medals of the Acoustical Society of America, the first International Award in Hearing from the American Academy of Audiology, the Award of Merit from the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, the Hugh Knowles Prize for Distinguished Achievement, and an honorary doctorate from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. He has been selected to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Auditory Society. He is wine steward of Wolfson College, Cambridge. In his spare time he likes playing the guitar and fixing things.