
Prof. Dr. habil. Anna Preis

  • Email:
  • Phone: +48 61 829 51 19
  • AMU Knowledge Base: publications

Research Interests

Anna Preis has over 40 years of experience in research and development in the field of acoustics, particularly in the area of noise annoyance perception. She has participated in EU-funded projects (SILENCE, ENNAH), COST actions, and in 3 projects funded from national sources (NCN). Currently, she is the leader of the Polish-Norwegian project: “Healthy Society – Towards Optimal Management of Wind Turbine Noise – Hetman”.

Her interests include hearing models, the perception of moving sound sources, environmental noise modeling, scales for rating human responses to noise, binaural hearing, and the assessment of communication disturbances.

Preis is the author or co-author of over 50 scientific publications and more than 40 invited conference presentations.

Teaching Activities

She has supervised 5 doctoral candidates and has been the advisor for numerous undergraduate and master’s theses. She teaches courses in musical acoustics (undergraduate Sound Direction) and environmental hearing (graduate Acoustics).