University Professor

Prof. Jędrzej Kociński

  • Email:
  • Phone: +48 61 829 6392
  • ORCID: 0000-0001-9562-9925
  • AMU Knowledge Base: publications

Research Interests

  • Prof. Kociński specializes in acoustics, with a particular focus on speech intelligibility and digital signal processing.
  • His research focuses on improving speech intelligibility by employing techniques such as Blind Signal Separation.
  • He is also interested in the application of artificial intelligence in medical diagnostics, exemplified by his involvement in developing the intelligent stethoscope StethoMe.

Key Achievements

  • Co-creator of the electronic stethoscope StethoMe, the world’s first home-use device supported by automatic analysis of respiratory signals using artificial intelligence. StethoMe has received numerous awards, including the Economic Award of the President of the Republic of Poland and the “Godło Teraz Polska” award.
  • Winner of the second edition of the “Excellence in Science – Practical Usefulness” contest in 2021, organized by the Poznań Science and Technology Park and the UAM Foundation.

Teaching Activities

At the Faculty of Physics at UAM, Prof. Kociński teaches courses in:

  • Building Acoustics
  • Fundamentals of Signal Analysis
  • Interior Acoustics

Enhancing Teaching Competencies

  • Prof. Kociński actively participates in seminars and lectures, sharing his knowledge on the application of artificial intelligence in medical diagnostics and discussing its potential benefits and risks. An example is his lecture titled “Intelligent Stethoscope: Detecting Symptoms and Supporting the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Respiratory Diseases”.

Supervision of Graduate and Doctoral Students

  • As an assistant professor at the Institute of Acoustics at UAM, Prof. Kociński serves as an academic supervisor for students and doctoral candidates, supporting them in the completion of theses and doctoral dissertations in the field of acoustics and related areas.