
MSc Jakub Bondek

  • Department of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics UAM
  • Email: jakub.bondek@amu.edu.pl
  • ORCID: 0000-0003-2413-3978
  • AMU Knowledge Base: publications

Thursdays, 14.00 – 16.00 in-person, room 108, 1st floor of the Department of Acoustics
12.00 – 14.00 online (MS Teams)

Research Interests

  • Speech acoustics and signal analysis.
  • The impact of changes in speakers’ emotional states on the prosodic features of speech and the acoustic parameters of the speech signal.
  • Utilization of neural networks in acoustic experiments.

After Hours

  • In his free time, he devotes himself to cultivating a collection of houseplants and engaging in small carpentry projects.
  • He enjoys repairing various devices, tinkering, and playing any stringed instrument.

Key Achievements

  • Supervisor of the Student Acoustic Science Club “SONIC”.
  • Diploma Thesis: “Performance of the piece ‘Rose’ by the band Strange Clouds” (2017).
  • Research and analysis of the voice of individuals in a state of strong emotional agitation (“Acoustic Analysis of the Voice of Individuals in a State of Strong Emotional Agitation”, 2020).

Teaching Activities

  • He teaches courses on the use of the MATLAB® environment, including Matlab II, Matlab III, and Practical Applications of the MATLAB Package.
  • Exercises for the Speech Acoustics course, as well as lectures and laboratories in Fonoscopy.
  • Co-teaching courses in Hearing Training.

Enhancing Teaching Competencies

currently being updated

Supervision of Graduate and Doctoral Students

  • Bachelor’s Thesis: “Performance of the piece ‘Rose’ by the band Strange Clouds” (2017).
  • Master’s Thesis: “Acoustic Analysis of the Voice of Individuals in a State of Strong Emotional Agitation” (2020).